Lupy Hakim rangkuman lowongan kerja terbaru juli 2017

Hai sobat lupy hakim pencari kerja, kali ini mimin akan share rangkuman lowongan kerja yang mimin copass dari group loker di lupy hakim ya, buat sobat yang belum bisa join di group lupy hakim yang di FB atau di WA bisa pantengin terus di sini

Berikut rangkuman lowongan kerja terbaru juli 2017 yang masih buka silahkan di lihat lihat dulu, di pilih pilih dulu, cocok langsung angkut aja dah.


Buat anaknya yg baru lulus sma/smk nih !! *Lowongan Kerja Terkini*

Kendaraan bermerek Daihatsu /Toyota beserta Komponennya.

1. Karawang
2. Bekasi
3. Cikarang
4. Tangerang

*Posisi Lowongan
1. Quality Control (QC)
2. Operator Produksi (OP)

1. Pria / Wanita Usia 18 - 22 Thn
2. Pend Min SMA / SMK
3. Fresh Graduate Lebih diutamakan
4. TB Pria Min 165cm & Wanita 155cm
5. Tidak bertato, bertindik & tidak berkaca mata
6. Bagi yang mempunyai sertifikat di bidang olahraga boleh dilampirkan

*Persyaratan umum
1. Surat Lamaran
2. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
3. Fc Ijazah (bagi yg baru lulus ijazah boleh menyusul)
4. Fc KTP & SKCK
5. Fc KK & Akte Kelahiran (bisa dilampirkan saat seleksi)
6. Pas Foto 3x4 (2 lembar)

2. Uang Transport / Jemputan
3. Uang Makan / Catering
4. Lembur Normatif
5. Baju Seragam

*Tata Cara Melamar
Bagi peminat silahkan kirim Surat Lamaran dan akan dilakukan tes secara murni,
*Via:* Pos, JNE, Tiki atau J & T
*Ke  Jl. Raya Bekasi KM 19 NO. 30, Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur, 13260

*Tulis di Amplop Coklat
lpk (bkn Yayasan ataupun outsorching)

(tdk ada potong gaji & tahan Ijazah)

_Jika Anda tdk keberatan, bantu share ya, mungkin ada saudara" kita yang butuh Kerja. thanks_


Kami PT Ultra Salur merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di consumer goods, saat ini kami sedang mencari kandidat yang tepat untuk menempati sebagai Sales Supervisor Area Karawang , sbb :

Job Description :
Bertanggung jawab terhadap target penjualan dan distribusi di area yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya.
Memonitor pelaksanaan aktivitas promosi guna menciptakan demand pasar di area masing – masing.
Membuat activity plan bulanan dan tahunan untuk mencapai target penjualan.
Membina hubungan baik dengan pihak distributor dan outlet selaku customer.

Requirements :
Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Sales Area Karawang
Memiliki SIM C
Menguasai area traditional outlet di Karawang
Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di Distributor
Bertanggung jawab, jujur dan berorientasi hasil
Dapat berkomunikasi baik dengan pihak internal maupun eksternal

CV Lengkap dapat dikirimkan ke

Thanks & Regards,
Tari Destiya
HRGA Executive PT. Windsor Indonesia & PT Ultra Salur
Jl. Duren Tiga Raya No.101 Blok A3 Duren Tiga, Pancoran - Jakarta selatan 12760
T +62 21 7918 8119
F +62 21 7917 0576
IG & Twitter: wash_magic
Fan Page: Washmagic


match recruitment is an Executive Search & Recruitment firm - dedicated  to assist corporations fulfilling their human capital need and advancing careers of talented professionals in Indonesia.

One of our client is currently looking for potential candidate to join with them to growth and make some fun together.

Please kindly send your update resume to :
(Subject : Position name)

Here the vacancy

Male, min 26 years old max 32 years old
S1 Mechanical Engineering, minor in Automotive is preferred
Having at least 2 years working experience in maintenance & repairmen of car (passenger / commercial vehicle)
Understand with spare part inventory management, periodic maintenance, maintenance log book. Therefore, candidates who willing to do the administrative works would be an advantage.
Able to communicate in English
Wiling to be located in Palembang


match recruitment is an Executive Search & Recruitment firm - dedicated  to assist corporations fulfilling their human capital need and advancing careers of talented professionals in Indonesia.
One of our client is currently looking for potential candidate to join with them to growth and make some fun together.

Please kindly send your update resume to :

(Subject : Position name)

Here the vacancy


Job Responsibilities:
·  Perform and evaluate all purchasing activities
·  Coordinate and evaluate all purchasing activities
·  Maintaining relationship with suppliers (Import Supplier)
·  Understand Quality document like GMP, DMF, CPP etc
·  Competent to analyze problem or situation

Job Requirement:
·  Bachelor degree from Pharmacist / Apothecary / Industrial Engineering or equivalent
·  Minimum 10 years experience in the same field.
·  Candidate with Purchasing / Procurement / PPIC background in pharmaceutical / FMCG or raw materialPharmaceutical industry
·  Able to work under pressure, energetic and well organized.
·  Required skill(s): Analytical analysis, Budget Planning And Control, Negotiation
·  Fluent in English both in written and spoken.
·  Computer literate (MS Office, Internet)
·  Willing to work at kawasan industri pulogadung


PT. EJJV Engineering Indonesia, We are a Multinational company, main business in Engineering Procurement fabrication & Construction, Hook up & Commisioning dan Project Management Services which to be a a world class and market leading turnkey Engineering Company the Oil & Gas and heavy  construction industries, is looking for candidates to fill the position as :

Procurement & Buyer

Male, max 35 years old
Min. Bachelor Degree and have working experience in the same position at least 3 years and min. at least 3 years in oil and gas and the construction company
Good Knowledge and skill in work supervising methods and techniques
Good Knowledge ISO, OHSAS, Procurement System
Self Improvement, Logical Thinking, able to cooperate effectively, Honest, discipline, and responsible
Strong verbal and written communication skill
Candidate priority from jakarta Domicile

If you meet requirement, please submit your comprehensive resume to :

Human Resources Division
Up. dicky hadi kusuma


PT. TCK Textiles Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi Textile berlokasi di Jababeka 1 Cikarang Bekasi, saat ini saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan posisi:

Staff Accounting


Usia Max 35 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3 jurusan Akuntansi
Pengalaman di bagian Accounting minimal 2 tahun
Mengerti perpajakan, cash flow keuangan & perbankan
Mampu berbahasa Inggris
Sehat jasmani dan rohani
Sanggup bekerja keras, jujur, kreatif dan inovatif
Berdomisili di wilayah Cikarang, Bekasi, Karawang dan Sekitarnya

Bagi yang berminat silahkan kirim Surat lamaran dan CV via email ke
paling lambat tanggal 10 Juli 2017.


Company Confidential
Our company is engaged in the Business Of Supply Of Goods For The Oil & Gas Industry in Jakarta, currently looking for motivated and high working spirit personal to fill the position as a:

HR Generalis

Max. 30 years old
S1 from all majoring, Psychology are preferable

Experience as HR minimum 3 years
Computer Skill : MS Office
Able to conduct  the psychological test (intelligence & personality), scoring and interpretation of psychological test results are preferable
Able to perform good administration
Smart, Self Motivated, Dynamic, Communicative  and Fast Learner

Recruitment officer
Training officer
HR Administration (leave, insurance, BPJS, ISO controller etc)

Send your detailed resume, expected salary, together with your photo (4X6),
not later than July 21st 2017.

We offer you :

1.  Good salary
2.  Carrier path
3. Permanent employee
4. Health insurance
5.  Achievement bonus
6. Good work environment
7.  Others allowances


Nah sobat lupy nih juga kumpulan lowongan kerja terbaru juli 2017 yang berupa foto atau gambar silahkan di zoom aja.

>> chek loker terbaru Update setiap hari

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